You may wonder if it is really possible to be happy 24/7 under any and all conditions?
Before you think that it is impossible to be happy 24/7 under any and all conditions, put your judgement on hold, read this blog, acquire the skillsets, practice and then judge for yourself if it is really possible to be happy 24/7, under any and all conditions.
Just because only a few percent of the population is able to be happy 24/7 under any and all conditions does not mean that the skills are not transferable to the rest of the population.
Before any skills can be duplicated, the mechanics must be firmly understood first.
I would like to start by explaining the following.
Unhappiness is the presence of of two incompatible frequencies or the absence of two compatible frequencies.
Happiness is the presence of two matching frequencies or the absence of two incompatible frequencies.
When you have a thought, you are emitting a specific frequency. If you have a thought that has a negative polarity, you are emitting a frequency. Let me term this frequency, frequency B. If you have a thought that has a positive polarity, you are emitting a frequency. Let me term this frequency, frequency A.
Within everyone of us, we have a core Self. This core Self is also emitting a frequency. Regardless of when you were born, the frequency of your core Self is set at frequency A, as your core Self is always positive. It will never change it's frequency. Your core Self is unipolar positive.
The frequency of your core Self is fixed at frequency A and will never change. You (referring to the personality self) can change your frequency from frequency A to frequency B and vice versa. Your frequency is not fixed and you are capable of having a thought with a negative polarity or having a thought with a positive polarity. You have a changeable frequency depending on the thoughts that you are thinking. You therefore are capable of having bipolar frequencies.
Whenever you are thinking a thought that has a negative polarity, the frequency you are emitting (frequency B) is clashing with the frequency that your core Self is emitting (frequency A). It is the presence of two incompatible frequencies that is the cause of your unpleasant feelings. This unpleasant feelings are actually biofeedback to inform you that what you are thinking are not in alignment with the frequency of your core Self. You can then decide after receiving the biofeedback what corrective action to take if you wish to replace the unpleasant feelings.
Whenever you are thinking a thought that has a positive polarity, the frequency you are emitting (frequency A) is compatible with the frequency of your core Self (frequency A). It is the presence of two compatible frequencies that is the cause of your pleasant feelings. The pleasant feelings are biofeedback to inform you that what you are thinking are in alignment with the frequency of your core Self.
Let's review the definition of unhappiness and happiness.
Unhappiness is the presence of of two incompatible frequencies or the absence of two compatible frequencies.
Happiness is the presence of two matching frequencies or the absence of two incompatible frequencies.
Currently, most people are happy because of the presence of wanted conditions or the absence of unwanted conditions.
Currently, most people are unhappy because of the absence of wanted conditions and the presence of unwanted conditions.
Most people depend on the presence or absence of conditions for their happiness because they do not know the actual mechanics that generate their emotions (feelings).
They have assigned the cause of what is purely an internal event (alignment) to an external event (the absence of unwanted conditions or the presence of wanted conditions).
They have identified the incorrect cause for their feelings.
They have made an incorrect diagnosis.
External events (the presence or absence of conditions) are not responsible for how they feel.
The presence of compatible frequencies or the absence of compatible frequencies are responsible for how they feel.
The presence of wanted conditions and the absence of unwanted conditions are responsible for how I feel.
The presence of alignment between me and my core Self and the absence of alignment between me and my core self are responsible for how I feel.
Once you have identified the correct cause for your feelings you will never be led astray again.
It may take some time for you to replace your previous habits with new habits, but that should not deter you from improving yourself.
You will be tempted over and over again, many times, to assign the cause for your feelings to the presence of unwanted conditions or to the absence of wanted conditions, however, you need a steely resolve not to pass the responsibility for how you feel to the presence or absence of conditions, now that you know that it is the absence of two incompatible frequencies or the presence of two matching frequencies that is the cause for how you feel.
When you are in alignment with your core Self, 100% energy is always flowing to you. It is this energy flowing to you as a result of your alignment that is the cause for your good feelings.
When you are not in alignment with your core self, 100% energy continues to flow to you, however, because you are not in alignment with your core self, this energy is unable to reach you. You do not feel good simply because this energy is unable to reach you. You do not feel good because no energy is flowing to you.
This energy has been given various names by various people from different eras, such as PRANA, CHI, COSMIC ENERGY, LIFE FORCE, BREATH OF LIFE etc etc etc
At every moment of your life, your core Self is emitting frequency A, regardless of whatever conditions you are in. When the sun is shining, your core Self is emitting frequency A. When it is raining, your core Self is still emitting frequency A. Rain or shine, your core Self continues to emit frequency A over and over again.
It is precisely because your core Self is always transmitting frequency A under any and all conditions that whenever you are able to match the frequency of your core Self, 100% energy will flow to you and you will feel good. You have been misled when you concluded that the absence or presence of conditions are the cause for how you feel.
I would like to use the following analogy to illustrate my point. You are listening to 95FM on your radio. Whether you are tune in to 95FM or you are not tune in to 95FM when you have switched off your radio, 95FM continues its broadcast. 95FM continue its broadcast 24/7 under any and all conditions. When your dial is in alignment with 95FM, the broadcasts from 95FM will flow to you. When your dial is not in alignment with 95FM, the broadcasts from 95 FM continues to flow but they are unable to reach you.
Similarly, your core Self is always emitting frequency A. When you are in alignment with frequency A, 100% energy is flowing to you and you feel good. When you are not in alignment with your core Self, 100% energy is still flowing to you but they are unable to reach you.
Who determines that 100% energy is flowing to you? The answer is you. When your frequency is a match to your core Self, 100% energy flows to you.
Who determines that 100% energy is prevented from reaching you? The answer is you. When your frequency is not a match to your core Self, 100% energy is unable to reach you.
Now you know the mechanics of why you feel good and why you do not feel good.
Now you know the mechanics of how to be happy 24/7, under any and all conditions.
If you have any questions, you can email to me at richardsmi2012@gmail.com
Below are quotes regarding happiness to reinforce your new understanding so that you can have a speedier transformation. Please note that I sometimes replace the word frequency with the word vibrations.
12 DEC 2020
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